Thursday, 3 February 2011

Another one bites the dust

So after another weight watchers weigh in, I have lost another pound...I know its not the 3lbs I wanted but I feel that I have had a bit of a naughty week (2 nights out drinking and a Nandos - oops!)

So that's 6 lbs in total, still can't see where its dropping off from but at least its coming off! I may be 2lbs off my target though - it was meant to be 8lbs by this week but its better than nothing.  

I have decided as well that when I go shopping to London on Friday I will buy my clothes in the next size down...risky yes but it will definitely spur me on if I want to wear them!

Am currently reading Dracula Undead by Dacre Stoker, its follows the lives of the main characters 20 years later with the main character being Mina and Johnathon's son - Quincey, named after the Texan from the original Dracula novel.  The story unfolds with the return of Dracula and Elisabeth Bathory...but who is the baddy?  Its very good, I read it while travelling last year and thought that it was time to read it again.


Went to see Black Swan this week with The Girls, it was brilliant!  The costumes (Rodarte) are beautiful and Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis are both excellent in it.  I must admit that the scenes where she was picking her fingers made me feel uncomfortable, it just looked so painful and realistic.  I also jumped quite a bit too, but it wasn't as scary as one of my friends led me to believe.  10/10


Beauty and The Beast: The Ugly side of Beauty.

I watched the first episode of this last night and it made me realise how lucky I am.  I know that everyone moans every now and then about how they look, but majority of people don't have to go through what people with facial disfigurement do.  I though that Yasmin seemed like a lovely girl and she wasn't as bad as I thought she was going to be.  Leo was so up beat about his burns and had a lovely family despite the fears that he had when he was younger that he would be alone.
I did think the name of the programme was a bit harsh - who's the beauty? the plastic surgery enhance woman or the person who has a facial disfigurement who has accepted it and also accepted that beauty comes from within? Food for thought....

Gok's Clothes Roadshow

Um Am I the only person who thinks that Gok is a bit crap?  How can people not tell the difference between the designer and high street? How can they pick Gok's fashion monstrositys time after time...OK so Brix (who I love) won this week - but Gok will come out as the champion even though he insists on putting neck scarves on anything that stands still long enough and skinny belts on people who really REALLY shouldn't wear them!  OK rant over...sorry for all you "Gokettes"

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