Sunday 19 December 2010

Christmas Crisis, New Year Promises

On Friday I battled my way round Chester to get the final parts of my Christmas shopping done (the wrapping paper and tags, and I couple presents for people I'd forgotten) It was mayhem.  I had to treat myself in Topshop to get over the stress of the crowds.  I figured it can be worn over longer sleeved tops and dresses.  And then as a thrown on top over vest tops in the summer...Yes I was justifying my purchase!

New Years Resolutions

I know that Christmas hasn't even arrived yet (only a week to go!) but I have already started thinking about my New Years Resolutions,

1. Less drinking
2. More sensible shopping, less frivolous buys, therefore better saving
3. Have a successful fitness regime...actually go to the gym I spend £40 a month on.

As I was looking for a good fitness class to go to, let it be known there seem to be non in the Chester area, I stumbled across this blog ( which had details on a class called Roxy Beach Body Workout.  It looks amazing, but is only available at Virgin Active gyms and not at my own gym, Total Fitness.

The blog did however have some details of some of parts of the circuit that is completed in the work which are below (all linked back to the blog)

"1. The Squat

Place your feet hip widths apart, push your bum back, bend your knees and keep your heels pushed into the floor then come back up and repeat.

2. The Hip extension
Place your hands and knees on the floor and lift your leg up at a 90 degree angle, squeezing your buttocks and trying to move as little as possible through your torso, then lower your leg slowly and repeat.

3. The Side Lunge
Step out to one side, bend the knee of the leg that you stepped out with and push your bum backwards then return to your original position and repeat.

For each of the following do 15 repetitions, have a little rest then repeat this twice more.

4. Tricep Push Up
Start lying on your front with your hands under your shoulders and your elbows pointing up. Engage your abdominals a lot by drawing your naval in towards your back. Breathe in and as you breathe out push your whole body up in one piece and balance on your hands and toes. Slowly lower down making sure you maintain a long straight line in your body.

5. Oblique Twists

Lay on your back with your feet off the floor and your knees bent. Keep your arms out in a low V shape by your sides and engage your abdominals before your start. Keep your shoulders down throughout and move your hips and legs over onto one side towards the floor. Hold your legs off the floor then bring them back to the centre and repeat on the other side."

My body, by the time of my Australian holiday will look like this.......


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